Save the level in your Maps folder and give it the same name as you chose for the folder in the previous step.With your project set up and ready to go, it's finally time to create your level. Working on Your ProjectCreating a New level So don't use too deeply nested folders, and keep your asset names reasonably short, otherwise, you won't be able to cook and package your level. Keep in mind though, that there is a maximum file path length of 260 characters in UE4. | | |- Trees // contains all tree meshes and their materials and textures | | |- Rocks // contains all rock meshes and their materials and textures | | |- Pipes // contains all pipe meshes and their materials and textures | | |- Machinery // contains all machinery meshes and their materials and textures | | |- Buildings // contains all wall, floor and other base building assets as well as their materials and textures |- Art // contains all meshes, materials and textures in the level, sorted into meaningful subfolders for each asset

Meshes, materials, and textures are thrown together into the asset's folder |- Content |- Textures // contains all textures used in the level by all art assets 5.2 Organizing by creating a subfolder for each art asset. |- Meshes // contains all meshes used in the level |- Materials // contains all materials used in the level by all art assets |- Effects // contains all particle/visual effects |- Audio // contains all audio/sound files Here are just two common ways to organize the content of your level into subfolders: 5.1 Organizing by using a folder for each asset type |- Content For this guide, we'll use MyLevel.How you structure your project inside your level folder is totally up to you. So it is advised that you give it the name you intend to call your level. pak file when you eventually package your level. This is the folder that all the content of your custom level will be in. Inside the ThirdParty folder, create a new folder and give it a descriptive name.