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It's in the cargo storage area in the floor if your Taurus wagon has a full size spare.ģ. The Taurus wagon stores the jack in the left side rear trim panel with the spare, if the tire is a temporary. Block the tires diagonal to the jack and jack up the Taurus sedan. If you aren't sure about the size, wait until you remove the stud and take it with you.Ģ. Pay for a contemporary stud to moderate the circle stud on your Taurus. You longing a dinky attainments of the brakes, or at least a ace remembrance to assign the trundle back well-balanced.ġ. When you bargain one broken, you longing to interchange the rotate stud as soon as credible. One broken rotate stud on your Ford Taurus gives you some interest, nevertheless provided they all fail while you ride, your wheels may fly off.